Donating Dollars Will Make "Change"
Making "Change" With Only $1.00
We take great pride in maximizing our resources in service to our neighbors.
A team of more than 100 hard-working volunteers along with
generous support from individuals, community organizations and companies,
we can prepare and provide a full meal for
approximately $4 per person.
With your donation, a person is given a life-sustaining meal for one day:
one more day of a full stomach, one more day for clean clothes, a shave, a warm shower.
One more day for hope for a different tomorrow!
Hope for today, recognition for tomorrows:
We also fill our Chapel walls with the following plaques as a remembrance
of your generosity for our guests to note your commitment, as requested.
Brick Nameplate - $100
Spirit of St. Vincent - $1,000
(One week of meals)
Prayer Placque
$250 - 1 1/2 Days of Meals
$500 - 3 1/3 Days of Meals
$750 - 5 Days of Meals
We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
Winston Churchill